Yesterday was the end of the second week of my no spending challenge. This week was a little easier to get through than the one before. It seemed a little easier to not think about spending so much. One thing that stands out to me more and more is the sheer number of emails I get about things on sale! Do you realize how many places have sales during January? A ton! And they all seem to be for yarn and shoes and clothes and books and kitchen gadgets. All the things I like to buy. All these deals say that they're exclusive and just for me. One day I need to sit down and unsubscribe to all these emails so I won't be tempted by them. As an added benefit I wouldn't have to spend all that time going through the emails and deleting them.
Last week the challenge included going through and inventorying my supply of food in the freezer and cabinets. This week the challenge included cleaning and organizing. I have done some cleaning and organizing, but let's face it. Neither of these are my strong suit. It's going to take longer than the challenge gave for me to accomplish it, but it will happen.
Tomorrow is payday! Tomorrow is also the first installment of my 52 week savings challenge. I'll be depositing $103 into my savings which will represent weeks one and two of the challenge. So far I feel good about my progress. I've only had 2 small slip ups. I went a little overboard with my fruit and veggie purchases for the week and I also had to buy a set of double pointed knitting needles for a project I'm working on. I definitely see areas where I can improve.
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