Happy birthday to me!! Today I celebrate my 38th year of awesomeness. Turning another year older doesn't bother me. Not yet anyway. I reserve the right to change my mind at a later date. A much later date.
I hear a lot of people my age who complain about being old or feeling old. I just don't feel like I'm old or that I should feel that way when I'm only 38. Maybe it's because I truly feel that aging is a natural process that we will all (hopefully) go through, where being old is more of a mindset. For me, if I were to say I'm old, it would be like me saying that my best years are behind me and I'm starting to enter the end of my years on earth. I certainly hope that's not the case, because I have a hell of a lot more living to do. I love being the age that I am every year. Aging and accepting our age isn't a bad thing. It's all in the attitude with which we do it.
Anytime I try to tell people about my viewpoint on aging versus being old i often get told that I just don't understand. I don't understand having body aches and pains that I didn't have before a certain age. They're right, I don't understand. I don't understand because I've been having those aches and pains since I was 17 and they've only gotten worse! I can't let that stop me though. I've let too much in my life stop me.
Anyway, soapbox moment over. Be your age, love your age, enjoy your birthdays, because you never know when you might stop having them.
Good things about this week: Birthday!!!! I've gotten to watch lots of Star Trek TNG. I had a perfectly lovely Resident Evil movie marathon yesterday. I've made a lot of progress on the blanket I'm making for the Linus Project. I bought clothes at a store that up until this week I didn't know I could fit into their clothes again. And last, but surely not least I lost another 2 lbs, bringing my total weightloss to 69 lbs.
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