Monday, February 11, 2013


Motivation on a Monday 

I am no fan of Mondays. Except for today.  Definitely a fan of this Monday.  I took the day off of work so I can be a lady of leisure.  Before I can be a lady of leisure though, I have to get some things accomplished first. I hate having to do anything other than be lazy on days off.

The first thing I need to do is come up with a plan. My plans usually take the form of a to do list. I love to do lists. I start the majority of my days with a list of things I need to accomplish. Sometimes my lists are so long and involved, my lists have lists.  I used to laugh at my mother for the lists she would create. If only I had known then how handy lists are!

To do lists are awesome!  They keep me focused, they keep me from being overwhelmed by my often over abundant tasks, they make me happy when I cross something off.  They represent tangible proof that I've accomplished something in the course of my day.

So. Here's my list for today.

  1. 20 minutes on exercise bike.  Completed!
  2. 3 sets of jumping jacks, wall push ups, arm exercises. Completed!
  3. Shower. 
  4. Clean off kitchen table. 
  5. Put supper in the crock pot. 
  6. Take something out of freezer for supper on Tuesday. 
  7. Go through clothes in bed room and guest room to see what no longer fits. 
  8. Sort through shoes to see what no longer gets worn. 
  9. Straighten up living room. 
  10. Soak and block baby blanket. 
  11. Work on scarf (at least one pattern repetition). 
  12. Update Blue Card spreadsheet for work. 
  13. Start planning recipe list for next two weeks. 
  14. Wash a load of clothes. 
  15. Put away clothes. 
It seems likely that I'm forgetting something.  I can always add to the list though. Will I be able to get it all done today?

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